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About Us

Nele Foundation began its journey in August 2000 to provide residential care amidst a loving and secure environment, for underprivileged children. These children most of the time are rescued from abuse and a life of poverty.

The foundation runs 12 centers - Six in Bengaluru and two in Mysuru and one each in Tumakuru, Mandya, Hospete and Shivamogga. The foundation has changed the lives of over 4000 children through the work done at these centers.. We are presently feeding and caring for over 400 children. At Nele, our goal and commitment are to provide a good future and better opportunities to the child. Children here experience love and individual care, establishing lifelong connections with us. Our caretakers come with rich experience and are professionally trained, thoroughly screened permanent staff who manage the centers to run with utmost care and concern.

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Our vision is to establish a society that is free from hunger and nurtures a strong cultural foundation, while upholding the highest human values.


Our goal is to establish an organic ecosystem that enables the comprehensive development of a child by offering a nurturing environment that allows the innate potential within them to flourish.

"Nele Foundation, heartily congratulates the students and
Wishes All the Best for all their future Endeavors."

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Nele Requirements
As a non-profit, our core mission is to help homeless and other vulnerable kids remain self-reliant. Join our hands to make this mission a success.

Electricity Bill
Monthly ₹ 6500

Your contribution will light up the future of these kids.                                                                                                         


Water Bill
Monthly ₹ 3000

Your contribution will help the kids to have access to safe water.                                                                      


Cooking Gas Bill
Monthly ₹ 3500

Your donation will help us to purchase cooking gas cylinder for everyday cooking for the kids.


Life at Nele

"Going to bed with a dream and waking up with a purpose” is the foundation of life at Nele.                                                                                                                                                                                            


Great Non Profit 

Social Impact

Children Sheltered
since Inception

Total Volunteers

Beneficiaries of
Vocational Training

I am Sharanappa.
We are four children to our parents. My father work as mesan and mother work for garments. Many a time my father was not having work at that time they used to go place to place in search of work like nomad. Due to this our studies were badly affected.
At that moment I came to Nele when I was studying in 6th STD.
Here I was taught disciplined way of life..used to get up at 5 am di prayer, yoga, sports and cultural activities along with Sanskar.. I also used to participate in many sports, cultural activities on school and get prizes.
This all was possible because of Nele where I was looked after well and gave good education, culture, behaviour etc.
Now I am working as accounts Asst in Christ University and have good status in society. For all this I am ever grateful to NELE FOUNDATION

I am Divya.
My family was financially not sound and parents were not in a position to provide basic necessities of life. In such a situation I came to Nele in 2012 when I was studying in 8th std.
Nele is place where I was taken care as their own child. Besides education my food shelter clothing were fully taken care . I was nurtured in sports, shlokas, bhajans, yoga etc to develop myself as a cultured human being.
Myself many like me were given a secured atmosphere like a normal home.. I am really fortunate to be a Nele girl..Now after completing my M Com I am placed in Accenture . I owe all my achievement to Nele Foundation. I remain grateful to NELE and all its donors.

I am Revathi .
I wish to share my experience as child and grown up girl with Nele Foundation (HSP).
I am born in a family living in Koramangala slum . We are six girl children to my parents 4 elder sisters and one younger.
Father a construction labour and drunkard. He is the one responsible for our poverty. He used to earn and drain the entire earnings for alcoholic drinks same day. Also used to quarrel with mother daily and beat her up for 6 girl children. Also used to beat us.
Mother was working as house maid, sweeper and in construction site. Father deserted the family and absconded. Mother, with the help of local corporator came in contact with HSP Nele in 2005. I was admitted to Nivedita Nele where about 25 girls like me were there. I was groomed here in terms of culture, education, socializing and how to be with fellow girls. In the beginning I had difficulty but picked up. Did well in school both in education and other curriculum. Got best student award. On finishing 10th moved to Mysore Nele did BA and BEd . Scored 96% in BEd.
Though had opportunity to join as teacher preferred to continue as Sevavrathi..which was my dream when I joined Nele.
Presently serving in Nele Sharada Mysore as warden taking care of 12 girls who are deprived of opportunities like me.
I like to thank all HSP pracharaks Sridhar Sagar ji, Suresh ji , Krishna Murthy ji and all Nele trustees for the support. I remain grateful to NELE FOUNDATION


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